November 14, 2024 Tattoo Artist Portfolios Filter by:AllZakk RossLeif McHattonBrandon RodgersBrian DockBlack and GreyColorPop of ColorNeotraditionalTraditionalRealismJapanese InspiredGeometricDotworkFinelineAbstractWatercolorLetteringSleevesMicroHealedCover Ups Cobra and peaches by Dock (mostly healed) Moth interactive tattoo Foo dog by Dock Unicorn Skull by Dock Triceratops Skull plants by Dock (healed) Space by Leif Beetlejuice Sandworm by Brandon Hanya mask Koi by Dock Starfox by Brandon Bunny Bee by Dock Latte by Dock Realism Actress by Leif Blue eyed Lion by Leif Skull mandala by Dock Legend of Zelda x Dali by Leif Elephant by Dock Joker by Leif Pelican and poppies by Dock Baphomet sticker by Zakk Geo Whale by Zakk Flower skull lady my Leif Starlord by Brandon Flames by Dock Kappa by Dock Snail lantern by Brandon Cardinals by Brandon Shovel Knight by Brandon Spider and photographs by Leif Snake charmer by Leif Tiger by Brandon Boat by Leif Hourglass by Leif Phoenix lady by Dock Geo wave by Zakk Lucky Pig by Dock Geo shark by Leif Hell Courtesan in progress by Dock (double cover up) Fileted Snapper chef sleeve by Dock Narsil with flowers by Dock Watercolor shark by Brandon Geo dog portrait by Brandon Pet portrait by Dock Neon shark by Leif Geo Flower by Zakk Bear by Dock Trixie Mattel by Leif 90s Leonardo DiCaprio by Leif Sleeping fox by Dock Rhino by Leif Starfish by Brandon Justice by Zakk Lettering by Brandon The Shining Room Key by Dock Raptor by Dock Dancing Lady by Brandon Shark by Brandon Kirin by Dock Axe and flowers by Brandon Donut Snake by Leif Bitcoin Sloth by Zakk Moutain range by Zakk Jorogumo by Dock Bird skull potion by Dock Haunted House Skeleton by Dock Butterfly by Zakk Dragon Geisha by Dock Fractured skull by Zakk Tarot Florals by Dock Fall Guy by Zakk Zombie Ironman by Leif Anime tattoo by Zakk Ship and Octopus scene chest piece by Leif Woodgrain Skull by Brandon Tiger by Brandon Flamingo watercolor tropical leg sleeve by Brandon Hanya mask with Cherry blossoms by Dock Mandalorian by Leif Christina Ricci Yellowjackets by Leif Graveyard Girl by Dock Persephone and Hades by Zakk Racecar by Brandon Geo chest piece by Zakk (most healed) Layered mandala and floral chest piece by Zakk Lotus mandala by Leif Cat portrait by Brandon Wall-E by Leif Forest wolf by Brandon Lettering by Brandon Florida Panther sleeve by Brandon Pirate ship by Leif Japanese tiger by Dock Tipsy Mermaid by Brandon Alien Xenomorph by Leif Chakra mandalas by Zakk (mostly healed) Matching Margaritas by Dock (one healed one fresh) American Psycho side by side with reference photo by LEif Astronaut by Zakk Mandala lion by Zakk Florals by Leif Turbo by Zakk Geo leg by Zakk Samurai catfish by Dock Third Eye Astronaut by Zakk Plumeria sleeve by Dock Dagger in Rose by Brandon Gator Skull with Oranges by Leif Tebori Cats by Dock Gravity Falls Bill Cipher by Dock Nekomata by Dock (healed) Matching foo dogs by Dock Gardenias by Brandon (cover up) Stormy Eye by Zakk Hanya by Dock Tentacle Sea Skull by Leif Mandala hand by Zakk Wolfman by Leif Finger tattoos by Zakk Whale by Zakk Michael Myers knife by Dock Universal Monsters sleeve by Leif (healed) Falcon by Dock Tim Burton sleeve by Leif Tengu mask Koi by Dock T-Rex Skull by Zakk Samurai cat by Dock The Bride by Leif Calico Koi by Dock Beach Bum by Brandon Biplane by Zakk Fenrir by Brandon (cover up) Symmetrical Peony Antlers by Dock Medusa by Dock Floral by Leif Floral geo by Dock Mandala sleeve by Dock Symmetrical legs by Zakk, one healed one fresh Geo Floral by Zakk Coffin by Dock Dainty symmetrical sunflowers by Brandon Cat portrait by Brandon Da Vinci Sketchbook Notes sleeve by Zakk Lotus by Dock Snake and Toad sleeve by Dock (mostly healed) Ninja Kitties by Dock Wolf by Leif Spider Heart by Leif Watercolor Sunflower and Script by Brandon Merkaba geo by Zakk Princess Leia by Dock Lion by Brandon Mandala Skull by Zakk Manananggal by Dock Halloween chest piece by Leif Tree Lightbulb by Leif Rib piece by Brandon Phoenix lady by Dock Tiger by Zakk Geo wolf by Zakk Samurai Chihuahua by Dock Mandalas by Zakk Hibiscus armband by Brandon Fortune Teller Russian Nesting Doll by Dock Manatee and Raptors by Brandon Matching Sister tattoos by Dock Peonies with beading by Dock Red eyed wolf by Leif Final Fantasy wizard by Dock Throat microphone by Leif Flaming quill by LEif Squid Omamori by Dock Starlord by Leif Sketchy elephants by Zakk Fox and Peonies by Dock Poseidon by Leif Yoda by Brandon Lion with roses by Brandon Bird by Brandon Mandalas by Zakk Spooky sleeve by Leif Memento Mori Coffin by Dock Mom & Dad Hearts by Brandon Abstract skull by Zakk Nezuko Demonslayer by Dock Sunflower by Dock Geo waves by Zakk Star Wars half sleeve by Dock Color mandala by Brandon Phoenix by Brandon Animal Crossing by Brandon Dog portrait by Brandon Pastel Ghostface by Brandon Mandala skull by Brandon African Queen by Brandon Skulls by Leif Lion by Brandon Mandala by Zakk Rocket diagram by Zakk Corpse Bride by Leif Mother Nature by Brandon Elephant by Brandon California by Leif Sparkplug hand tattoo by Zakk Xenomorph by Brandon (cover up) Ursula by Dock (cover up) Avada Kedavra by Dock Planchette by Dock Snake and lilies by Dock Haunted House Skeleton by Dock Trippy Snail and Mushrooms by Dock Jirachi Pokemon by Dock Geo Pineapple by Zakk Floral lady by Zakk Moth, snake, skull and roses by Dock Pascal from Rapunzel by Leif Thanos Infinity Gauntlet by Leif Neon monstera by Leif Marie Aristocat by Dock Hypnotoad Futurama tattoo (healed) Edward Scissorhands by Leif Mini Medusa by Zakk Pirate ship by Zakk Space by Leif Octopus by Leif Red Ganesha by Dock Fan by Dock Space Sacred Geometry sleeve by Leif (Healed) Smoking Reaper by Leif The Shining typewriter by Brandon Geometrics by Zakk Kendrick Lamar by Leif (cover up) Geo moth by Dock Tiger with water by Dock Demonslayer swords by Dock Tiger by Dock Jorogumo by Dock Cat portrait by Dock Foo Dog back piece in progress by Dock Bulma Dragonball Z Geisha by Dock Jordan Sneaker by Leif Watercolor Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter by Brandon Greek geo by Zakk Hanya Warrior lady by Dock Space Sacred Geometry sleeve by Leif (Healed) Grim reaper love by Brandon Eagle by Brandon Wolf by Brandon Bat face by Dock Bowling Octopus by Dock (healed) Cat portrait by Dock Tiger lady by Dock Dog portrait by Brandon Mulan Cricket by Dock Dragonball Z Great Ape by Dock Floral geo by Zakk Abstract lady by Zakk Lion by Brandon Baku by Dock Octopus lady by Leif Slimer Ghostbusters by Brandon Flowers by Dock Cat mask by Dock Atlas Greek Mythology by Leif Lemur by Leif Honeybee Floral by Brandon Tiny tiger by Dock Memorial portrait by Zakk Traditional Ghostface by Brandon Lucille Ball by Leif Mandala by Brandon Japanese Dragon by Dock (healed) Gypsy lady by Dock Floral mandalas by Zakk Vintage Coffin by Leif Crystals by Dock The Moon Tarot Card by Dock Geo watercolor peony by Brandon (cover up) Koi with Hanya mask by Dock Nosferatu by Dock Double eyed lady by Leif Alligator by Brandon Micro Mac Miller by Zakk Sharks by Leif Samurai by Dock Daffodils by Dock Skull grenade by Dock Husky by Leif Majora's mask by Leif Snake by Dock (most healed) Greek mythology by Brandon Watercolor Panda with Script by Brandon Carnation sternum by Brandon Ramen Lady by Dock Peonies by Dock Sex Panther by Leif Grim Reaper Daruma by Dock Geo leg sleeve by Zakk Sacred Geometry lotus by Brandon Firefighter sleeve by Brandon (mostly healed) My Neighbor Totoro by Dock Baby gator with oranges by Dock Unlucky cat by Dock Lotus Gator by Dock Lily Munster Pin up by Leif Mandala Moon by Zakk Foo dog sleeve (mostly healed) Pocketknife by Zakk Nightmare Before Christmas Mayor by Brandon Finger tattoos by Zakk Lighthouse by Brandon Shovel Knight by Brandon Victorian lady by Brandon Mandalas by Zakk Cobra by Dock Script by Dock Edgar Allen Poe by Leif Owl by Dock Moth skull by Dock Beaver by Brandon Fortune teller by Dock Florals by Zakk Lion by Brandon (many years healed) Floral Symmetry by Dock The Town by Leif Zombie pirate by Leif Tiger skull by Zakk Tlalolc by Dock Diver's Helmet by Zakk Lioness and Cub by Brandon Safari sleeve by Brandon Florals by Brandon Lettering by Brandon Luna moth by Dock Mandalas by Zakk Shark by Leif Koi by Brandon Floral sleeve by Zakk Hanya by Dock Witchy potion by Dock Zootopia Flash by Leif The Strangers by Leif Kewpie doll by Leif Peonies and geo by Zakk Jesus by Brandon Floral albino snake by Dock Mandalas by Zakk Mini Foo Dog by Dock Antelope Skull by Zakk Tom Nook Animal Crossing by Brandon Floral geo by Dock Albino Bat by Dock (4 years healed) Scribble Skull by Zakk Sugar skull by Brandon Mandala by Brandon Mushu by Leif Medusa's Head by Zakk Lord of the Rings Gandalf Balrog by Leif (healed) Doves and floral by Dock (mostly healed) Mermaid Sunflower by Brandon Healed Skull and florals by Leif Peonies by Zakk Woman's eye by Leif Frida Kahlo x Medusa by Dock Trippy geo by Zakk The Director by Leif Dragon Tiger back piece in progress by Dock Koi cherry blossom sleeve by Dock (healed) Captain Spaulding by Leif Pirate ship by Brandon Wolf by Brandon Ghost by Dock Navy portrait by Leif Mandala Florals by Zakk Thumbelina by Dock Watercolor compasses by Brandon Albino hairless rat by Dock Luna Moth lantern by Leif Mandala Lotus by Zakk Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Brandon 90s Pineapple by Zakk Pastel wolf by Dock Mandala by Zakk Mandala floral and skulls leg sleeve by Zakk (mostly healed) Dagger by Dock Rainbow Octopus by Brandon (mostly healed) Eagle and flag sleeve by Brandon (cover up) Geo Orca by Zakk Samurai sword by Dock Much love by Brandon Gentleman Octopus by Dock Skull Octopus by Dock Geo Rabbit by Dock Hanya mask by Dock Feather by Dock (many years healed) Hammerhead piece by Leif Foo dog by Dock Cambodian Dancer by Dock Shark teeth by Zakk Aphrodite by Dock Native lady by Zakk Eye of Horus by Zakk