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Snake and Toad sleeve by Dock (mostly healed)
Haunted House Skeleton by Dock
Mom & Dad Hearts by Brandon
Watercolor Sunflower and Script by Brandon
Sparkplug hand tattoo by Zakk
Layered mandala and floral chest piece by Zakk
Grim reaper love by Brandon
Frida Kahlo x Medusa by Dock
Tentacle Sea Skull by Leif
The Shining Room Key by Dock
Memorial portrait by Zakk
Hypnotoad Futurama tattoo (healed)
Kendrick Lamar by Leif (cover up)
Captain Spaulding by Leif
Halloween chest piece by Leif
Sketchy elephants by Zakk
Persephone and Hades by Zakk
Koi with Hanya mask by Dock
Greek mythology by Brandon
Cobra and peaches by Dock (mostly healed)
Nezuko Demonslayer by Dock
Dragonball Z Great Ape by Dock
Lion by Brandon (many years healed)
Snake by Dock (most healed)
Gator Skull with Oranges by Leif
Albino Bat by Dock (4 years healed)
Watercolor Panda with Script by Brandon
Carnation sternum by Brandon
American Psycho side by side with reference photo by LEif
Koi cherry blossom sleeve by Dock (healed)
Dainty symmetrical sunflowers by Brandon
Tom Nook Animal Crossing by Brandon
Foo Dog back piece in progress by Dock
90s Leonardo DiCaprio by Leif
Haunted House Skeleton by Dock
Flower skull lady my Leif
Firefighter sleeve by Brandon (mostly healed)
Hell Courtesan in progress by Dock (double cover up)
Hibiscus armband by Brandon
Narsil with flowers by Dock
Universal Monsters sleeve by Leif (healed)
Gravity Falls Bill Cipher by Dock
Triceratops Skull plants by Dock (healed)
Da Vinci Sketchbook Notes sleeve by Zakk
Honeybee Floral by Brandon
Pascal from Rapunzel by Leif
Florida Panther sleeve by Brandon
Chakra mandalas by Zakk (mostly healed)
Beetlejuice Sandworm by Brandon
Matching Sister tattoos by Dock
Christina Ricci Yellowjackets by Leif
Bowling Octopus by Dock (healed)
Animal Crossing by Brandon
Fenrir by Brandon (cover up)
Gardenias by Brandon (cover up)
Mermaid Sunflower by Brandon
Lion with roses by Brandon
Samurai Chihuahua by Dock
Geo watercolor peony by Brandon (cover up)
Slimer Ghostbusters by Brandon
Mandala floral and skulls leg sleeve by Zakk (mostly healed)
Xenomorph by Brandon (cover up)
Hanya mask with Cherry blossoms by Dock
Final Fantasy wizard by Dock
Woodgrain Skull by Brandon
Watercolor compasses by Brandon
Lord of the Rings Gandalf Balrog by Leif (healed)
Albino hairless rat by Dock
Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Brandon
Victorian lady by Brandon
Nekomata by Dock (healed)
Gentleman Octopus by Dock
Feather by Dock (many years healed)
Tim Burton sleeve by Leif
Watercolor shark by Brandon
Luna Moth lantern by Leif
Axe and flowers by Brandon
Bulma Dragonball Z Geisha by Dock
Grim Reaper Daruma by Dock
Rainbow Octopus by Brandon (mostly healed)
Traditional Ghostface by Brandon
Spider and photographs by Leif
Moth, snake, skull and roses by Dock
Ursula by Dock (cover up)
Lily Munster Pin up by Leif
Symmetrical Peony Antlers by Dock
Pelican and poppies by Dock
Dragon Tiger back piece in progress by Dock
Pastel Ghostface by Brandon
Watercolor Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter by Brandon
Healed Skull and florals by Leif
Flamingo watercolor tropical leg sleeve by Brandon
Hanya Warrior lady by Dock
Bird skull potion by Dock
Symmetrical legs by Zakk, one healed one fresh
Matching Margaritas by Dock (one healed one fresh)
Michael Myers knife by Dock
Floral albino snake by Dock
Memento Mori Coffin by Dock
Fileted Snapper chef sleeve by Dock
Space Sacred Geometry sleeve by Leif (Healed)
Dagger in Rose by Brandon
Third Eye Astronaut by Zakk
Japanese Dragon by Dock (healed)
Peonies with beading by Dock
Sacred Geometry lotus by Brandon
Edward Scissorhands by Leif
The Shining typewriter by Brandon
Manatee and Raptors by Brandon
Ship and Octopus scene chest piece by Leif
Space Sacred Geometry sleeve by Leif (Healed)
Star Wars half sleeve by Dock
Matching foo dogs by Dock
Lioness and Cub by Brandon
Baby gator with oranges by Dock
Throat microphone by Leif
Thanos Infinity Gauntlet by Leif
Eagle and flag sleeve by Brandon (cover up)
Geo dog portrait by Brandon
Doves and floral by Dock (mostly healed)
Trippy Snail and Mushrooms by Dock
Demonslayer swords by Dock
Legend of Zelda x Dali by Leif
Fortune Teller Russian Nesting Doll by Dock
Nightmare Before Christmas Mayor by Brandon
Geo chest piece by Zakk (most healed)
Foo dog sleeve (mostly healed)
The Moon Tarot Card by Dock
My Neighbor Totoro by Dock
Atlas Greek Mythology by Leif